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Re: Linux font rendering gives me stabbing eye pains

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
__/ [ Linonut ] on Sunday 04 March 2007 15:23 \__

Owwww.   Owwwwwwwwwww.   OWWWWWWWWWWWW.

I have proof:


Luckily I'm a good touch typyst.

Breaking the myth:

Visual comparison of major OS's font rendering

,----[ Quote ]
| Personally I don't like ClearType at all. And looking at it
| gives me headaches. Also, Linux's myth of bad font rendering
| is finally over.


Personally, I find the fonts in Windows/Office absolutely horrific when
compared to nice and clean LaTeX output. Book publishers use Open Source.

Sadly he totally discredits himself in the 'about me' section.

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