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Re: MS Internet innovations ..

__/ [ Jerry McBride ] on Monday 19 March 2007 22:04 \__

> Doug Mentohl wrote:
>> From: Richard Fade
>> Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 1996 9:41 AM
>> To: Desktop Applications Div Full Time Employees
>> Cc: Brad Silverberg; Paul Maritz; Natalie Yount; Cathy Turner
>> Subject: Desktop Applications Future
>> To: Desktop Applications Division
>> From: Richard Fade and Jon DeVaan
>> Subject:Desktop Applications Division Goals and Organization
>> ".. The Internet has produced innovations and promises that are
>> gathering huge momentum and it is certain that over the next few years
>> we will see a dramatic change in our industry?s landscape ..
>> ..
>> Internet - Nothing has more profoundly changed our business, customers,
>> and industry than the Internet, not even the graphical user interface.
>> How the internet impacts personal productivity applications and software
>> is yet to be seen. but Microsoft and Office must lead the way. Whether
>> this means a new class of application, architectural features, or new
>> components to the Office product, we must aggressively provide an answer
>> to this vexing question.
>> http://edge-op.org/iowa/www.iowaconsumercase.org/011607/2000/PX02588.pdf
>> -------
>> Considering that MS has had an Internet strategy since at least 1996,
>> how was it that Google it is google who go their first and MS response
>> is to duplicate Google and integrate search into the applications.
> Dude... it's... like... simple! They suck.

They saw the potential of Web apps, but chose to suppress it (curtailing
innovation to keep cash cows alive and R&D expenditure at a minimum). That's
the harm of a(n illegally obtained and sustained) monopoly... just one among
many harms in fact. It was confirmed in an interview with an ex-Softie who
now works at Google. Those who were not allowed to innovate at Microsoft can
simply change teams and help destroy their previous employer, which everyone
hates anyway.

                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Signature pending approval"
http://Schestowitz.com  |  GNU is Not UNIX  |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
roy      pts/5                         Tue Mar 20 02:58 - 02:58  (00:00)    
      http://iuron.com - proposing a non-profit search engine

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