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Re: [OT] Just for fun

__/ [ Peter Kai Jensen ] on Monday 19 March 2007 07:15 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> I've used my old mobile (which serves as my alarm clock) as a torch,
>>> briefly, on dark mornings. I hate turning on a light first thing when
>>> I get up for an early shift.
>> A monitor's brightness or a reading lamp is good for this. In the
>> past, when I still watched TV regularly, that did the trick. The issue
>> was fidning a decent program outside the 'prime time' range. Morning
>> shows are dull/depressing. And Trisha's trash.
> For this purpose I tend to use a 24-hour news channel as my alarm clock
> (wrote a little script to turn on xawtv at the right time).
>> The Net give free on-demand TV. No storage capacity or TV licence
>> required.
> Except if you live in Denmark.  Then you have to pay a TV license, even
> if you just have a computer with broadband (after all, you could watch
> shows of the national TV/Radio online).  Rather insane, if you ask me.

Nearly as bad as 'piracy levy' on portable media players and USB drives.
What's next? Television licence for iPods because you could borrow TV shows
and put them on your modded device that "is capable of playing video
sequences"? Maybe they should have me ripped off for watching TV at the
gym... *sigh*

                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Mod me up and I'll mod you 'insightful'"
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