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Re: [OT] Just for fun

__/ [ Kier ] on Sunday 18 March 2007 18:16 \__

> On Sun, 18 Mar 2007 17:35:42 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [ Kier ] on Sunday 18 March 2007 16:41 \__
>>> okay, this isn't Linux-related, it's just for a laugh on this rather
>>> breezy Sunday afternoon.
>>> What's the oddest thing anyone here has ever done with a portable media
>>> player they own?
>>> Very late last night I was out walking along a local riverside footpath,
>>> which is completely unlit, the only illumination coming from streetlights
>>> across the river, and the moon when present. I noticed some dark blobs on
>>> the pathway, which seemed to be moving. Using the light provided by my
>>> Archos 404 player's screen, I discovered they were small frogs, obviously
>>> off on some habitat migration. Never seen such a thing before, especially
>>> at two in the morning. Must have been about twenty of them scattered
>>> along the path for some distance, and jolly hard to was to avoid treading
>>> on them in the dark - an Archos LCD screen doesn't give out a whole lot
>>> of light!
>>> Dunno what they thought of me, but I thought they were very cute :-)
>> Brightly-lit screens make excellent flashlights. People use their PDA for
>> this fairly regularly. These are many other odd irregular uses for PDAs
>> and a couple of years ago there was a large discussion about this in one
>> of the Palm newsgroups. Someone wrote a Web pages about, so we contributed
>> ideas, based on experience. Some use it as a mirror, some say they would
>> even balance a table with it.
> I've used my old mobile (which serves as my alarm clock) as a torch,
> briefly, on dark mornings. I hate turning on a light first thing when I
> get up for an early shift.

A monitor's brightness or a reading lamp is good for this. In the past, when
I still watched TV regularly, that did the trick. The issue was fidning a
decent program outside the 'prime time' range. Morning shows are
dull/depressing. And Trisha's trash. The Net give free on-demand TV. No
storage capacity or TV licence required.

>> I dropped my PDA three times today. Bad day for me, but the PDA endured
>> everything (just some extra scratches, which is a visual thing)...
> I'm hoping I won't drop my Archos :-) It's a lovely piece of kit, despite
> not being all that pretty.

It's quite heavy, fragile, and expensive. Palm PDAs, like phones, on the
other hand, must assume falls.

                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    $> apt-get -not windows
http://Schestowitz.com  |  GNU is Not UNIX  |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
roy      pts/6                         Sun Mar 18 08:55 - 08:55  (00:00)    
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