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Re: [News] Dell Brasil Starts Supporting Linux, with Fair Amount of Fanfare

In article <etjps4$j4g$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, thad01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
> flyer <flyer@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > 
> > Massive here, massive there, Linux popping up like summer flies.
> > 
> > Dell could win so incredibly BIG if they keep their hardware quality up 
> > and send it out the door with Linux.
> If (as Balmer says) Linux is a cancer, it looks like it has 
> metastasized.  I've been seeing it pop up in all sorts of new
> places.  This may not be the mythical Year of Linux(tm), but
> desktop momentum is definitely increasing.
> Thad

Yes, and it's subject to propaganda attack via witholding the good news 
from "mainstream" news sources, many of which would sell their sister for 
a few bucks.

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