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Re: [News] Sony Uses Linux to Combat Main Rival

Guy Fawkes wrote:

> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> schreef in bericht
> news:1391381.IyEpOHg3aA@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> The Secret War [Between Microsoft and Sony/Linux]
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Sony and Microsoft are already in battle over video games (Playstation
>> | vs Xbox) and disc formats (blu-ray vs hd-dvd), so an OS battle could
>> | be right around the corner.
>> `----
> Come on, this is just bogus. Nobody cares if Linux runs on their PS3, XBox
> or XBox360. People buy these machines to play games, not to surf the net.

Why then does xbox.sourceforge.net exist then? 
They do quite well as low end, low cost ($149.00) linux servers.

Also, why is the xbox360 under such direct attack
(http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/461489) if no one is interested in
ONLY PLAYING games on their microsoft game console?

> If Sony really wants to hurt Microsoft they should simply start shipping
> their VAIO's with Linux pre-installed, not help some geeks with installing
> Linux on their PS3's.

Careful what you ask for... You may just get it.


Jerry McBride

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