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[News] Ubuntu Site gets Major Redesign; All Your DNS Belong (sic) to Microsoft

New design @ http://www.ubuntu.com/

As you may already know, Microsoft has just begun a battle against those
which it /considers/ to be cybersquatters (remember MikeRoweSoft, which
beloned to Mike Rowe?)

Why Corporate Entities Should NOT Be Able to Sue Typo-Squatters

,----[ Quote ]
| I am getting scared that all my domains are just going to be gobbled up
| by corporations who are just greedy scumbag entities that have no
| soul. Microsoft may be big dawg, but I don?t respect them -- theys
| tole every idea they?ve ever had. So, yea let?s get more companies
| and lawyers together so we can seriously rape people who are trying
| to run a legit business.


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