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Re: Congrats Schestowiz -- They are Digging You!

In article <DCqKh.3454$Qw.79@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, wjbell@xxxxxxxx 
> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> > __/ [ sik.kim@xxxxxxxxx ] on Friday 16 March 2007 03:56 \__
> > 
> >> On Mar 15, 11:03 pm, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >> wrote:
> >>> __/ [ John Bailo ] on Friday 16 March 2007 01:36 \__
> >>>
> >>> > Looks like Roy has a front page top 20 Digg going on:
> >>>
> >>> http://digg.com/linux_unix/Newly_leaked_Antitrust_Memo_How_Microsoft_...
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Flatfish has just opened his third Digg account.
> >>>
> >>> http://www.digg.com/users/flatfish/news/dugg
> >>>
> >>> Notice the gentle tone in him comments. He doesn't want his account
> >>> terminated like the previous ones.
> >> 
> >> Actually it appears that you are incorrect.
> >> http://www.digg.com/users/flatfish/news/commented
> >> The account has been there for at least 67 days.
> > 
> > I stand corrected, but I can't help but feel that you may be another flatfish
> > nym.
> > 
> You're a moron Schestoditz.  "Flatfish has just opened his third Digg
> account."  You don't even have the brain capacity to CHECK shit out
> before you post... kinda like the majority of your
> spam^H^H^H^Hinformative news posts.

Gladly acknowledging your moronism expertise, you erred here.

"Volume good news" and "spam" have different definitions. That means they 
don't mean the same thing.

If you use one for the other, it's a bit like you saying "my ass is my 
face," and though closely approaching truth for you, isn't true for 
others, and thus is confusing and weakens your, AHEM, logic.

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