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Re: [News] Dell Asks Which Linux Distro We Want

__/ [ Mark Kent ] on Thursday 15 March 2007 08:53 \__

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> __/ [ B Gruff ] on Wednesday 14 March 2007 20:46 \__
>>> On Wednesday 14 March 2007 02:45 Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>> She's a tease. Probably the PR battle against H-P. Make it last while
>>>> they can... just don't get your hopes up... smile
>>>> In any event, I am convinced that all these H-P/Dell loves Linux
>>>> headlines give the platform a lot of exposure. The average guy sees this
>>>> as something that gives legitimacy. Regardless of how it ends up, the
>>>> longer it goes on, the better, IMHO.
>>> Pretty astute - I'll go along with all of it:-)
>> Every time H-P and Dell speak about Linux, the RSS feeds get wiped by
>> variations of this news. Other more minor stories leak out of viewing
>> threshold. Why? Because every Australian/Chinese/African daily newspaper
>> writes about it. Suddenly, when Joe Bloggs is advised to try Linux he
>> would respond differently. He read about it in the paper. I remember the
>> time when my mom told me she has read about Linux and Firefox in the
>> newspaper. It changed her perception completely. She then made some
>> enquiries.
> Ah yeah - wasn't there some ongoing discussion with your sister on this
> one?

I don't talk to her about computers anymore. Same with my mom. Let them keep
their computer trouble to themselves, until they get fed up. I steer away
from such matters.

I previously mentioned this in the context of third-party apps. Sisters says
I shouldn't install anything other than the stuff which Microsoft prebundles
(because it leads to Registry bloat). To me, this is a form of technical
sabotage, by design. Add to this equation things like Defender and
compatibility issues in Vista. Hostile, hostile, hostile.

                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz     | Run a Linux server, sit on your hands all day
http://Schestowitz.com  |  GNU is Not UNIX  |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
roy      pts/4                         Thu Mar 15 03:33 - 03:37  (00:04)    
      http://iuron.com - proposing a non-profit search engine

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