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[News] DRM is Dying, But Draconian Studios Want to Control Your Television

DRM won't last: Zimmermann

,----[ Quote ]
| "I think that in the long run, we will look back at DRM as a
| temporary phase," says Phil Zimmermann, inventor of the PGP
| (Pretty Good Privacy) cryptography system for e-mail.


American Studios' Secret Plan to Lock Down European TV Devices

,----[ Quote ]
| An international consortium of television and technology companies is 
| devising draconian anti-consumer restrictions for the next generation of 
| TVs in Europe and beyond, at the behest of American entertainment giants.
| [...]
| Having failed in those efforts, they have now turned to creating
| technical standards that, when backed by law, are likely to
| restrict consumers' existing rights and threaten the future of
| technological innovation.


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