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[News] Has Apple Become the Microsoft of the Music Industry?

EU consumer chief eschews another bite at Apple

,----[ Quote ]
| In this week's edition of the German magazine Focus, Kuneva had
| been quoted as saying: "Do you think it's fine that a CD plays
| in all CD players but that an iTunes song only plays in an
| iPod? I don't. Something has to change."
| She stopped short of repeating that on Tuesday.
| "Somebody drew the comparison with Microsoft. No, this is not the
| case because the share of the market of Apple is really not a big
| one so there is not any reason to talk about infringement," Kuneva
| said.
| The Commission found in 2004 that U.S. software giant Microsoft
| abused its dominance in the PC operating system market, fined it
| nearly 500 million euros ($659 million) and ordered the company to
| change its business practices.


Lily Allen slates Apple's iTunes tactics

,----[ Quote ]
| Apple accused of bullying musicians into providing exclusive
| content for iTunes


Google, in the mean time, being somewhat of a Microsoft of search engines
(some occasional 'monkey business'), got sued by Verizon for 1 billion US
dollars, over Goo-Tube.


Apple Bullies Bloggers, Again

,----[ Quote ]
| Apple has a history of using lawyers against bloggers. There was
| the now infamous Think Secret lawsuit, which may have had merit.
| But they also engage in clearly superfluous, bullying tactics as well.
| [...]
| The offending download page is here (the software has now been 
| removed). Blogger Paul O?Brien simply linked to this download
| page and included a screenshot of the user interface and also
| received a cease & desist letter from Apple's lawyers.


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