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[News] Extensive Overview of Ubuntu Linux Media Players (with Screenshots)

Media Players Available for Ubuntu Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| I want to give the list of media players available for ubuntu users
| with installation instructions.



Linux Audio Players, Tested and Graded

,----[ Quote ]
| KDE users have it easy: Amarok is slick enough to crow about in a
| room full of iTunes or Windows Media Player users.


The Road to KDE 4: Phonon Makes Multimedia Easier

,----[ Quote ]
| Phonon is a new KDE technology that offers a consistent API to use audio or 
| video within multimedia applications.
| [...]
| Matthias also submits the following screenshot of output device
| selection using Phonon's configuration module. This is also a
| work-in-progress, and so take it with a grain of usability
| salt.


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