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[News] New Windows Security Concern -- Unpatched for Over 2 Years, Hijacking Possible

Old Windows kernel bug comes back to bite

,----[ Quote ]
| On October 22, 2004, Argentine hacker Cesar Cerrudo approached
| Microsoft with the discovery of a Windows Kernel GDI local
| privilege escalation vulnerability.  At the time, Cerrudo said
| Redmond's security response team deemed it a "design problem" and
| filed it away as something "to be fixed in a future service pack."
| Late last year, during LMH's month of kernel bugs project, details on this 
| bug again surfaced with debugger information a note that it remains 
| unpatched after more than two years.
| Now comes word from Immunity Inc.'s Dave Aitel that his research team has 
| written a reliable exploit that gives an attacker local root access on 
| Windows 2000 and Windows XP systems.


Should Microsoft downgrade Vista vulnerabilities?

,----[ Quote ]
| The man who wrote the book on Microsoft's highly rated SDL
| (Security Development Lifecycle) believes buffer-related
| security vulnerabilities found in Windows Vista should be
| downgraded because of back-up mitigations built into the
| operating system.


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