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Re: Can Sharepoint run on Linux?

__/ [ John Bailo ] on Saturday 10 March 2007 21:34 \__

> I'm a big fan of Sharepoint WSS.
> Question: It all seems to be built on .NET 3.0
> With mono, the cross-platform implementation of the ECMA standard, is it
> possible to convert all of the Sharepoint infrastructure and WFE to run
> on Suse Linux?

There are open source equivalents which will resolve your dependencies, e.g.:

Competition for Microsoft & Co.: Mindquarry Forms Up With an Open Source Team

,----[ Quote ]
| Launch for a user friendly and easy to use teamwork software: since 
| Feb. 28th 2007, Mindquarry offers the first Open Source alternative
| to Microsoft's Sharepoint Server or IBM's Lotus Connections.


OpenOffice extension rivals SharePoint

,----[ Quote ]
| The O3OSpaces server is a J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition) application,
| built on top of Apache Tomcat and the PostgreSQL database server. The 
| web client uses AJAX, while the Assistant client program is a Java Web 
| Start application.
| Besides StarOffice and OpenOffice.org, companies can use O3Spaces with
| Microsoft Office documents. "While O3Spaces is developed for use with
| OpenOffice.org/StarOffice, it can handle Microsoft Office documents 
| equally well," stated O3Spaces B.V. CEO Rob Mentink. "This is crucial
| for companies and users that work in mixed environments."


Hope it helps...

                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Software sucks. Open Source sucks less."
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