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Re: [News] Technology Companies Whine About Patent Mess They Created

__/ [ BearItAll ] on Thursday 29 March 2007 14:12 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Tech companies pile on patents, complain about clutter
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | When a Microsoft Corp. patent application for educational technology
>> | appeared in January, there was one problem: the idea had already
>> | been developed as "BlueJ" nine years earlier, and by academics
>> | with no connection to the software behemoth.
>> `----
>> http://tinyurl.com/3bujne
> So, MS get this far, find someone else already has this technology (or is
> it really just an idea this time?) in place. Will they say 'Great, saves us
> some work we'll just rent yours'? Or will they go off and change it enough
> to make it look like a different idea so comes under a new patent? Or will
> they dump it because they is a word that they have difficulty with?
> Does anyone want to take bets?
> In Linux you come up with an idea, do a search on sourceforge. If it is a
> new idea then go ahead. If it turns out someone else already thought about
> it then you can simply add your particular bent on the idea to the others
> on that team.
> It's called 'Sharing', please write that word down in your jotter for
> refference. Then try the word out, in private at first, but later when you
> feel more confident try it out on someone in the next office cubicle.

Even drag companies see the potential in this concept.

I found the following amusing:

System, method and program product for community review of documents

,----[ Quote ]
| Abstract: A system, method and program product for providing for
| the review of documents by a community...


Is USPTO patenting its own system to defend its territory? Amazing, isn't it?
Worse than Blackboard's junk patent. Let them troll the system and waste
their money...

                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Reversi for free: http://othellomaster.com
http://Schestowitz.com  |  GNU is Not UNIX  |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
roy      pts/3                         Thu Mar 29 11:53    gone - no logout 
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