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[News] Dell Comes Under Fire over Windows Vista Hardware Compatibility Issues

Dell in Vista RAID debacle

,----[ Quote ]
| The apparent issue with certain Intel RAID controllers and Microsoft's
| latest operating system, Vista - which got its long-awaited retail
| release on 30 January 2007 - has been a hotly debated topic in online
| forums for several months.



Dell to Expand Linux Factory Installed Options

,----[ Quote ]
| Dell has heard you and we will expand our Linux support beyond our
| existing servers and Precision workstation line. Our first step in
| this effort is offering Linux pre-installed on select desktop and
| notebook systems. We will provide an update in the coming weeks
| that includes detailed information on which systems we will
| offer, our testing and certification efforts, and the Linux
| distribution(s) that will be available. The countdown begins today.


Linux: Driver Support is Key

,----[ Quote ]
| Dell recognizes the importance of open source, GPL-licensed drivers
| which are maintained upstream in kernel.org. They allow users the
| widest choice of Linux distributions, effectively taking the
| specific hardware and distribution out of the decision-making
| process and let you focus on solving your business problems. We
| will work with our hardware partners to develop, test, and
| maintain Free drivers, and continue to make progress towards
| that goal for all drivers.




,----[ Quote ]
| What follows is my experience with getting Windows Vista (and more!)
| refunded after buying a new machine from Dell Germany. The process is
| put down in details for that people interested in doing the same,
| can benefit as much as possible from my experience.


How to get a Windows tax refund

,----[ Quote ]
| If you buy a computer, you often pay for Microsoft Windows even if
| you didn't ask for it and aren't going to use it. This article shows
| you how to return your unused Windows license and get your money
| back, freeing yourself from the Windows tax.


I've installed Linux, now give me my Windows refund

,----[ Quote ]
| Unfortunately, due to unfair licensing practices, Windows comes
| with most computers that are purchased and most people have to payf
| or Windows whether they like it or not, even if they are looking for
| a naked machine, ie one without an operating system installed. As
| you may well know that finding a naked notebook is difficult and
| can be expensive. Because of this several complaints have been put
| to the European Union asking them to investigate. This has been
| reported in the press (see 
| http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/business/276088_msfteu01.html). This,
| as you may have heard, is referred to as the 'Microsoft Tax'.


Linux geek gets Dell to splash out for Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| It's pretty difficult to buy a laptop without Windows these days. But
| what if you have no intention of using it? The EULA for Windows XP has
| this clause:
| "You agree to be bound by the terms of this EULA by installing,
| copying, or otherwise using the software. If you do not agree, do
| not install, copy, or use the software; you may return it to your
| place of purchase for a full refund, if applicable."
| Technically, then, you should be allowed to send it back to your
| place of purchase and get a refund. This is exactly what Dave
| Mitchell, a systems admin, did.


Dell customer gets Windows refund

,----[ Quote ]
| Thanks to Dell, one UK Linux user has succeeded in the perennial quest
| to buy and use a laptop without paying for an unused bundled OS.


Dell Refunds OS Cost For Those Adopting Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Open source technology fans in the San Francisco Bay Area are reportedly
| some of the first who began campaigning to get refunds for Microsoft
| Windows software they did not plan on using.  


The Battle (Continued)

,----[ Quote ]
| At 9AM, the man from Toshiba (keeping him anonymous. From now on his name
| is "Tosh") decided to phone me. He was irritated by the last email and
| decided to confront me on the phone... His confrontation was
| intimidating, but not enough to scare me off. I have too much invested
| into this to be put off by a phone call. From the conversation, I noted
| a few things:
| 1) He clearly hadn't read, or maybe understood, the emails that I have
| sent him. I could tell this by the way that he was still asking me
| questions that I have quite clearly stated the answers to, in the emails.
| 2) Scare tactics from multinationals these days are expected, if not
| welcomed.
| 3) He tried to convince me to take down my blog entries and publications
| of these conversations because they may be seen as slanderous, and
| "pulling down the company". I explained to him how I have not once said
| that Toshiba are a bad company. Rather, I have applauded their good
| notebooks, and also their great support on open source platforms. What
| I have done, is ask some questions that no one else is willing to ask.
| Questions that everyone is pretending not to have the answers for.


,----[ Quote ]
| Instead of fretting about getting a refund for a nice box with that
| legacy system that bogs down and crashes for no reason every other
| week, I would encourage users to save their money a little longer until
| they can afford the nicer boxes with no operating system, or that comes
| with a modern, robust system, such as GNU/Linux, already installed.
| After all, we sure don't want to encourage the folks at Microsoft to
| develop more shoddy software. It's kind of like buying a Yugo because
| it's cheap. It's cheap for a reason, and you get what you pay for.


How To Find A Computer With GNU/Linux Pre-Installed

,----[ Quote ]
| One LXer reader's quest to find and list vendors selling computers
| with GNU/Linux pre-installed leads to the development of a GNU/Linux
| vendor database.


EU investigating new complaint about Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| European Union regulators are "studying" a consumer complaint that
| Microsoft Corp. forces computer makers to sell machines that are
| preloaded with Windows, excluding other operating systems such as
| Linux....
| The complaint comes as the regulator threatens to fine Microsoft as
| much as 2 million euros, or $2.5 million, a day for not complying with
| a 2004 antitrust ruling. The commission also has cautioned the company
| about bundling products into its new version of Windows, which will be
| released next year.


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