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[News] Microsoft Admits the Command-line Interface is Necessary and Beneficial

Microsoft PowerShell to make it into Longhorn Server, after all

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft's command-line scripting shell, originally code-named
| "Monad," and known now as Windows PowerShell, is going to be
| part of Longhorn Server, after all.


What happened to "we need to get rid of that expressive and powerful little
tool"? Back to DOS days? Admission of mistake?


When will we hear the end of computer quacks?

,----[ Quote ]
| So why beat the dead skunk again? Check it out: Don Norman discovered
| command line interfaces! And he's about to take his discovery to the
| press! Yes, he thinks this is an original discovery all his own.
| [...]
| I can't wait until Microsoft invents apt-get so he can fawn over it next...


Geek to Live: The command line comeback

,----[ Quote ]
| The advent of the Graphical User Interface (GUI) forever
| revolutionized personal computing. A windowed system with point
| and click icons made computers usable for anyone who couldn't deal
| with a black screen and a prompt waiting for arcane textual commands.
| But in recent years, this enormous interface change is coming full
| circle. Amongst power users - and more and more, regular Joe's - the
| command line is making a comeback in modern web and desktop
| applications.


Who needs the command line? (Well, actually, we all do)

,----[ Quote ]
| "We'll always have Paris", Humphrey Bogart said to Ingrid Bergman
| in the iconic climax of Casablanca - and we will always have the
| command line. Here's looking at you kid!


Death of the command line

,----[ Quote ]
| It's hard for me to imagine using an OS without a strong command line.
| Even Microsoft has recognized the for that with their Monad Shell
| (though they are at least temporarily removing that from Vista). Linux
| of course has its Bash shell, Mac OS X has Terminal (which now defaults
| to Bash) - everybody knows you need a shell.


You use Command Lines all the time and don't know it!!!

,----[ Quote ]
| Man, the heat Linux catches over command lines! The flames! The trolls!
| The clueless screaming for help! And all the while, command lines are
| right under your nose the whole time! Yes, even on the most mousy,
| GUI-driven, WIMPy, point-n-drool interface, whether it be Macs or
| Microsofties, you're typing commands into prompts every day!


Microsoft PowerShell isn't Vista-ready, either

,----[ Quote ]
| As a few other bloggers noted yesterday, Microsoft's newly
| released PowerShell command-line shell and scripting language
| doesn't currently work with Windows Vista.


Worm targets Windows PowerShell script

,----[ Quote ]
| Virus writers have created an experimental form of malware written in
| Windows PowerShell script, the command line and scripting language used by
| Windows.


Repairing Windows XP in Eight Commands

,----[ Quote ]
|     * C: CD ..
|     * C: ATTRIB ?H C:\boot.ini
|     * C:ATTRIB ?S C:\boot.ini
|     * C:ATRIB ?R C:\boot.ini
|     * C: del boot.ini
|     * C: BOOTCFG /Rebuild
|     * C: CHKDSK /R /F
|     * C: FIXBOOT


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