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[News] A Look at Latest Frugalware, Kubuntu and Ubuntu Linux

Skipping Frugalware 0.6 in 5 minutes

,----[ Quote ]
| I was really curious to try the new Frugalware 0.6 (Terminus), to
| see what's new. I downloaded the small netinstall ISO (35 MB), and
| it really worked.


Kubuntu & Ubuntu 7.04 Beta Released - Our Screenshots

,----[ Quote ]
| The thing I like the most about Ubuntu is that it recognizes my 
| wireless network card without me needing to do any additional work.
| Many of the Linux distributions that I have used in the past never
| seem to recognize the card and force me to hunt down the files that
| I need to use it. I guess you could say that Ubuntu just works and
| they say that there are even more networking improvements in this
| release!


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