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Re: [News] Tips for Migration From Windows to Linux Desktop

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Six tips for Linux, open source desktop migrations
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | 1. Before Windows, go after Office first
> | 2. Seek out and court power users
> | 3. Survey users' apps to find 'show-stoppers'
> | 4. Make back-end moves to set up desktop Linux success
> | 5. Consider the devilish details
> | 6. Don't have an agenda
> `----
> http://www.linuxworld.com.au/index.php/id;562083957;fp;4;fpid;4

He is right about those bleeding spreadsheets. How ever much you add to the
company database applications, there is always yet another bleeding
spreadsheet out there that not many knew about that turns out to be crucial
to the business.

Having said that, I had been doing a seperate StarOffice SS for my IT orders
records. So when I had a few months to fill in on the main system it was
entirely my own fault.

The truth is that spreadsheets are just some damn easy, you can see in
moments what for a database you would need a view or a report.

I link MySQL to people's spreadsheets, once I know those spreadsheets exist,
so at least the data is safe and then the spreadsheet is really not much
more than a view.

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