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Re: Tried Beryl Today

__/ [ Kelsey Bjarnason ] on Saturday 24 March 2007 00:17 \__

> [snips]
> On Fri, 23 Mar 2007 09:02:55 -0700, The Ghost In The Machine wrote:
>> I set up gdm and KDE 3.5 as a test here.  I'd use Xnest
>> but Gnome intercepts the Alt-F4 and closes the Xnest
>> window, so I now have a dual X server setup.  I can extend
>> it to more than 2, memory and/or card memory permitting.
>> If I really wanted to get fancy I'd set up various depths.
>> Windows "one at a time" mentality is so constricting to me now. :-)
> Multiple monitors... multiple servers... multiple depths... multiple
> resolutions... multiple virtual desktops on each... multiple tabs on the
> apps...
> Yet the typical Windows box *still* consists of a single display, single
> GUI instance, single depth, no virtual desktops and every app instance in
> it own separate window.
> Kinda funny, that.  The UI design in Windows wastes space... yet has never
> provided even basic tools for managing that space.  Linux UI designs, by
> contrast, tend to conserve space yet still provide tools (virtual
> desktops, etc) which allow you to manage the space better.
> It's almost as if one *expects* to do more with a Linux box.

And you still complain about GIMP UI, which enables the user to have multiple
windows (images), in mutiple screens, in multiple virtual desktops...?
That's just why I find the UI very powerful. You can also toggle "always on
top" with a single click, you can shade, projct window to all vitual
desktops, issue a command to a group of windows...

                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Switch to GNU/Linux. < http://www.getgnulinux.org/
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