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[News] [Rival] Microsoft Now Under Pressure from Cisco As Well

Can Microsoft and Cisco Still Be Pals?

,----[ Quote ]
| That puts it in direct competition with Microsoft, which is No. 2
| with its Live Meeting service. Microsoft's big push will come in
| June when it begins producing a host of products, including Microsoft
| Office Communicator 2007.



Cisco CEO: 'Microsoft Has Given Us a Three-Year Lead'

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has given us a three-year lead. And we've never lost a
| game when we've had a three-year lead... It's a battle we fully
| intend to win.


Microsoft's Worst Nightmare (Nope, Not Google)

,----[ Quote ]
| The Cisco/Linksys drive into the home follows an absolutely miserable
| effort by Microsoft, which had a first-mover advantage but blew it in
| favor of its Xbox gaming play. Maybe Microsoft figured the timing just
| wasn't right. In any case, Microsoft angered a lot of digital home
| integrators who were hoping for some support to break open the
| market.


Cisco benefits as Microsoft keeps moving the goalposts

,----[ Quote ]
| Forced between choosing between unified comms vendors, many users
| are reluctantly opting to use an alternative to Microsoft. Others,
| it seems, are a lot less disappointed.
| [...]
| The Microsoft partner confessed that Cisco is the preferred option. "Cisco
| has a better track record of consistency on upgrades. Whereas Microsoft?s
| new products can be a completely different kettle of fish from the last,"
| he said.


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