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[News] [Rival] Microsoft Portable Media Centre Failed, Abandoned

Microsoft abandons PMCs

,----[ Quote ]
| It seems Microsoft is abandoning the Portable Media Centre, a format
| that was once considered a possible iPod killer. 


This one is extremely popular at the moment:

Joke/Video: Microsoft pranks with oFone, Apple rolls eyes

,----[ Quote ]
| Seeing as the Zune was such a hit, Microsoft decided to repeat the
| success and tackle the iPhone before it even gets out the gate;
| friends, we give you the Microsoft oFone.



Microsoft says Zune executive will leave company

,----[ Quote ]
| Bryan Lee, corporate vice president at Microsoft's entertainment
| and devices division, also played a key role in shaping the Xbox
| game console business and the introduction of its Internet
| Protocol television software.


The UMPC dies. And no one notices.

,----[ Quote ]
| If Intel has its way, then what once was the mass market UMPC will
| morph into much smaller and less powerful "mobile Internet devices,"
| hort "MID".
| [...]
| There must have been a slight disconnect between Microsoft's
| marketing strategists and hardware and product designers.
| Neither the first nor the second generation of UMPCs came
| close to the expectations the initial marketing created.


Whatever Happened To The Origami?

,----[ Quote ]
| Ultimately Origami is a classic example of how a viral buzz can
| work against a product release. Expectations were too high and the
| final product was puzzling and didn't fulfill any specific consumer
| demand. By the time the systems were actually released the hype had
| died down and there was practically zero consumer awareness. I've
| actually considered the possibility that the viral Origami campaign
| was a warm-up for the Zune campaign that followed later in the summer.


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