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Re: [Linux] Survey Teaches Researches That Linux is Secure

  • Subject: Re: [Linux] Survey Teaches Researches That Linux is Secure
  • From: Hadron Quark <hadronquark@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 07 May 2007 18:17:07 +0200
  • Cancel-lock: sha1:4N03CgebsqEtjvDrICUN3ryS2H4=
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • References: <2320333.7WDBKCOWbN@schestowitz.com> <1178551119.932818.39200@w5g2000hsg.googlegroups.com> <7tiu33dbgobm0mtsv5a4tm73okauf9t656@4ax.com>
  • User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/22.0.99 (gnu/linux)
  • Xref: ellandroad.demon.co.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:521424
John Locke <johnlocke98513@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> On 7 May 2007 08:18:40 -0700, "nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
> <nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>On May 7, 3:26 am, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Linux hacks rare as hens' teeth, says survey
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | Adding more fuel to the Linux versus Windows fire, a US research firm
>>> | this week released a survey that noted only eight percent of Linux
>>> | developers had ever seen a virus infect their systems.
>>Eight percent??? I've never even *heard* of any Linux user being
>>infected by a virus.
>>Has anyone else?
> Users don't logon to Linux as administrator so it would be difficult
> for a virus to execute or propagate itself. 

This is one of the most misused statements ever. Most users only run
single login machines. All their data is logged under their own home
directory. If they are manipulated into running an attached script or
executable then their data and their mailing lists are at risk.

> ...and if you keep the kernel updated, your Linux install should be
> relatively secure. 
> I'm not aware of any Linux infection cases. You might want  to Google
> around and see if there are any. My bet would be they're pretty rare.
> Here's a list of  Linux viruses you can check out:
>     * Adm
>     * Adore
>     * Bliss
>     * Cheese
>     * Devnull
>     * Kork
>     * Lapper
>     * Linux/Lion
>     * Mighty
>     * OSF.8759
>     * Ramen
>     * RST [1]
>     * Slapper
>     * Staog

	Don't wear your spurs while making love in a waterbed.

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