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Re: Vista too expensive in developing countries

__/ [ John Locke ] on Monday 07 May 2007 09:20 \__

> This, of course, will be a huge oprtunity for Linux to  grab some of
> Microsoft's desktop market:
Mind the hidden costs as well. No country should let its infrastrcture become
reliant on a foreign company (while/although they have talented programmers
at home).

Governments Must Reject Gates' $3 Bid to Addict Next Billion PC Users 

,----[ Quote ]
| "Microsoft's strategy of getting developing nations hooked on its
| software was clearly outlined by Bill Gates almost a decade ago," said
| Con Zymaris, CEO of long-standing open source firm Cybersource. 
| Specifically, Bill Gates, citing China as an example, said:
|   "Although about 3 million computers get sold every year in China, but
|   people don't pay for the software," he said. "Someday they will, though.
|   As long as they are going to steal it, we want them to steal ours.
|   They'll get sort of addicted, and then we'll somehow figure out how to
|   collect sometime in the next decade."[1]


Have a look at the following article and see how concerned Japan has become
over its Microsoft spendings.

Oracle, IBM, NEC to market Linux in Japan: Nikkei

,----[ Quote ]
| Major information technology firms, including Oracle Corp., IBM Corp. and
| NEC Corp., will set up a consortium to sell servers and systems running
| the Linux operating system in Japan, a financial daily said on
| Thursday.


Later on came this:

Japanese Government to Embrace Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Oracle Japan is said to be leading the effort, which could launch
| as early as next month.


                ~~ Best regards

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI"
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