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Re: [News] Clicking your way to jail: are you unwittingly downloading kiddie porn?

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Roy Schestowitz
on Fri, 04 May 2007 22:26:54 +0100
> __/ [ The Ghost In The Machine ] on Friday 04 May 2007 18:18 \__
>> http://abcnews.go.com/TheLaw/story?id=3134187&page=1
>>    [...]
>>    Often, just clicking on a Web site can initiate a
>>    download of unwanted material, particularly if the
>>    user has been lured to that site through a pop-up ad or
>>    "blot."
>>    Beaulier says the danger of getting unintended material
>>    "becomes more pronounced when computer users interact
>>    with other online users through peer-to-peer programs,
>>    or by downloading documents from newsgroups or chat
>>    rooms." The reason is that files on these sources
>>    appear only as a link with a name that may or may not
>>    reveal its content. But the user has to download the
>>    file before he can see what's in it.
>>    [...]
>> This can affect Linux distros, though there's a lot more control.
>> (Of course Microsoft's "security" is the wrong side of hopeless.)
>> Welcome to the New World Order.  Consider yourselves warned.
> Ask one teacher who was going to go to jail due to pornographic popups.
> Malware can affect a person's life significantly.

Ah yes; I do remember that news report, and an unfortuate
time was had by all.  Well, I hope someone takes up his
case and the law is overturned (and later rewritten)
on appeal, to include some form of intent.

Of course one wonders what the kiddies think; until a
certain point our brains are very differently wired as
youngsters.  There's a -- I believe -- Pepsi commercial,
showing an attractive model drinking a can with two boys --
about 8 to 10 years of age -- watching.

They were more interested in the soda can.  Of course
the target of the ad probably wasn't the kids... :-)

There's also the nightmares and "monsters under the bed".
Granted, I'm not a neurologist, but I get the feeling that
such nightmares evidence because the brain, when we're
youngsters, is madly rewiring itself.  (I've had my share.
I still remember some of them.)

To be sure, innocence is a treasure; there's no point
in instructing a, say, 5-year-old on the details of how
well the male or female genitalia function during certain
circumstances, such as in one's bedroom; it's beyond his
or her understanding.  "Good touch" versus "bad touch"
is teachable (and suggested, to defend against abductions
and molestations -- a sad fact of life in our society,
along with kiddie porn).

#191, ewill3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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