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[News] [Rival] Vista Leads to Battery Life Concerns

Vista draining laptop batteries, patience

,----[ Quote ]
| Reports that Vista was an energy hog started to surface during beta
| testing last year. At the time, Microsoft said many of the problems
| would be cleared up by the time the operating system launched.



Allchin's 'Buy a Mac' E-Mail Exposed

,----[ Quote ]
| "I must tell you everything in my soul tells me that we should do
| what I called plan (b) yesterday. We need a simple fast storage
| system. LH [Longhorn] is a pig and I don't see any solution to this
|         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| problem. If we are to rise to the challenge of Linux and Apple, we
| need to start taking the lessons of 'scenario, simple, fast' to
| heart. Jim"


Vista Irritations

,----[ Quote ]
| According to this Slashdot article, copying, moving and deleting
| files is slower under Vista. At least now I know why extracting a
| compressed file under Vista is like watching paint dry/grass grow
| (I've only tried using Winzip 11).
| [...]
| Now we name our directory and it?s done right? Not quite, because
| after typing your directory name and pressing enter, it's time
| for yet more prompts...


Vista: Slow and Dangerous

,----[ Quote ]
| Most of the time I spent testing Vista was with sluggish pre-release
| versions. I expected things to improve when I ran the finished software
| on PCs configured for the new Windows version. I now realize that
| Vista really is slow unless you throw a lot of hardware at it.
| Microsoft claims it will run with 512 megabytes of memory. I had
| recommended a minimum of a gigabyte, but 2 GB is more like it if
| you want snappy performance.
| [...]
| The most exasperating thing about Vista, though, is the security
| feature called User Account Control. UAC, satirized in an Apple
| ad as a security guy who constantly interrupts a conversation, 
| appears as a pop-up asking permission before Windows...


Copying files across LAN with Vista is deathly slow

,----[ Quote ]
| Copying files from my XP video capture pc to my Vista pc is 3 times
| slower than copying from my XP video capture PC to my old XP PC.


Copying files across LAN with Vista is deathly slow

,----[ Quote ]
| Copying files from my XP video capture pc to my Vista pc is 3 times
| slower than copying from my XP video capture PC to my old XP PC.


The copy process may stop responding when you try to copy files from a server
on a network to a Windows Vista-based computer

,----[ Quote ]
| On a Windows Vista-based computer, when you try to copy files from a
| server on a network, the copy process may stop responding (hang), and
| you may receive a message that resembles the following:
| Calculating Time Remaining
| 0 minutes remaining 


Your expense = my revenue

,----[ Quote ]
| "Windows is a money making machine for everyone involved" - but
| describing it as really a kind of work for welfare scheme in which
| everyone wins -except the customer to whom it's a cost, and the 
| national economy for which it's a productivity sink.


Analyst slams Vista's 'backward' UI

,----[ Quote ]
| Windows Vista is a step back in usability, researcher claims


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