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[News] Toshiba Considers Preinstalling GNU/Linux on Notebooks

Toshiba Italy mulls pre-loaded Linux notebooks

,----[ Quote ]
| Toshiba's Italian channel sales and marketing operation reportedly
| is considering offering pre-loaded Linux in its Tecra, Satellite, Portege, 
| and Qosmio notebook lines, according to a story published online last week 
| in the Il Sole newspaper.


I suspect that H-P is about to join the club as well. It's just a matter of


Dell casts doubts on Vista

,----[ Quote ]
| Dell today revealed that it will restore the option to use Windows XP on
| some of its home systems, marking a potentially damaging blow to
| Microsoft's hopes for the newer Windows Vista.
| [...]
| While a popular request through the company's IdeaStorm website, the
| choice was substantially outnumbered by requests for pre-installed
| Linux, US-based technical support, and other features -- pointing to a 
| larger general demand for the change. The turnaround may be a reflection of 
| an overall backlash against Vista, observed IDC analyst Richard Shim.


Q&A: HP exec says Linux Foundation wants to push OS toward common ground

,----[ Quote ]
| You didn't hear much about it in North America, but over the last six 
| months or so, I'm personally hearing a lot more interest in Linux on the 
| desktop. It's definitely a focus for the foundation. I think it's an area 
| that is kind of a "watch this space" for the next couple [of] years.


Orbiting Debian: Interview with Bdale Garbee

,----[ Quote ]
| It's a really exciting time to be in this industry. With the kinds
| of phenomenal growth rates we're seeing, Linux and the whole of open
| source is one of the brighter stars in the IT sky right now.


Big Debian Linux Payday For HP  

,----[ Quote ]
| In fiscal 2006, $25 million in hardware sales in EMEA (Europe,
| Middle East and Africa) were directly related to HP's Debian
| support.
| "I was pretty shocked when I found out about this," Jeffrey
| Wade, worldwide marketing manager of open source and Linux at
| HP, told internetnews.com. 


More Hope for the Linux Desktop

,----[ Quote ]
| Far from being uninterested in the Linux desktop, these companies
| all had active assessment programs going on to evaluate it. Driving
| their interest is the cost of doing business with Windows -- not so
| much the licensing fee, but the ongoing need for care and feeding 
| of Windows-based machines. While it's easy to see stories about the
| cost of keeping machines virus-free, rebuilt after users install
| malware, etc., it's quite another thing to hear people describe the
| level of effort they absorb just to keep Windows up and running for
| a large user population. From the tone of their voices, they are
| extremely motivated to reduce the support burden of Windows.
| [...]
| Based on my take regarding the Council's interest in the Linux desktop, I 
| would say that these organizations are diligently seeking a desktop 
| solution beyond the Microsoft nightmare of purchase, patch, and upgrade. 
| When your wealthiest clients are actively looking to stop using your 
| solution, you should be worried. I guess there's more potential for the 
| Linux desktop than might, at first blush, appear.


HP considering factory-loaded Linux desktops and notebooks

,----[ Quote ]
| Management at HP has commented on the situation, saying they are
| considering offering standard systems with a preloaded distro of
| Linux, which would be an industry first for desktops and notebooks


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