My Great Linux System Repair Adventure
,----[ Quote ]
| Thunder storms in the Blue Ridge Mountains can come fast. That's why my
| main Linux desktop system was still up when one, two, three lightning
| bolts slammed near my home. Thus began my Great Linux System Repair
| Adventure.
| [...]
| My point in telling you of my misadventure is that, with a little
| knowledge and Linux tools, which SystemRescueCD brings together for
| you, you can save your files even from apparently hopeless situations.
| Oh, and a final note: SystemRescueCD can also work the same magic on
| your Windows systems. I can't recommend this mini-distribution enough
| for anyone who might face repairing any Unix, Linux, or
| Windows-based computer.
Apart from free (and Free) tools, there are commercial ones.
Arkeia Software Announces Advanced Disaster Recovery
,----[ Quote ]
| Arkeia Software, the leading provider of powerful, innovative data
| protection software, announced today Advanced Disaster Recovery,
| a Linux disaster recovery module with enhanced features for Arkeia
| Network Backup version 6.0.
| Arkeia, the Linux leader, engineered the first disaster recovery
| solution for Linux. Version 6.0 disaster recovery uses a
| Linux kernel and a GUI-based disaster recovery screen.
Mondo rescues open source DR
,----[ Quote ]
| Now developed by HP's EMEA open source and Linux professional lead
| Bruno Cornec, Mondo Rescue is available globally under the GNU GPL.
| Speaking at the Linux and open source conference in
| Sydney last week, Cornec outlined why he revived the Mondo Rescue
| project because he needed a tool to replicate configurations of
| Linux systems at HP.