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[News] [OSS] US Defense Department Relies on Open Source Software

Defense Information Systems Agency's Wi-Fi Flying Squirrel

,----[ Quote ]
| The software, this source said, owes a lot to open source Wi-Fi sniffing 
| tools such as NetStumbler or Kismet, but has a somewhat snazzier interface 
| and the all important U.S. Strategic Command steering group?s stamp of 
| approval.


As mentioned in Groklaw, Microsoft would never sue because even the Pentagon
uses GNU/Linux.


Too late to discredit open source, advocates say

,----[ Quote ]
| "It's too late," exclaimed Winston Damarillo, founder and
| chairman of software development firm Exist Global, in an
| interview with Computerworld Philippines. "Open source
| is all over the place."
| [...]
| Anson Uy, president of Touch Solutions (a Red Hat Linux company),
| earlier on broke the news to Computerworld Philippines about the
| alleged "funded missions" by some software firms to discredit open
| source, although he did not identify any company.
| Anson revealed among the top three actions against FOSS are being
| done through "sponsored studies, piracy of open source developers,
| and bold press releases."


DOD Awards Contracts Worth Up to $700M

,----[ Quote ]
| Palo Alto, Calif.-based printer and personal computer
| maker HP was awarded two separate deals worth up to
| $440 million over eight years that cover the HP-UX,
| Microsoft Windows, Red Hat Enterprise Linux and
| Novell SUSE Linux operating systems.


Defense kicks off open-source encryption program

,----[ Quote ]
| "Interests within the DOD were pleased with the results of the
| initial OpenSSL validation program and have identified extensions
| to that work for greater availability of FIPS 140-2 validated
| open- source software for use within DOD IT systems," Weathersby said. 


,----[ Quote ]
| "After a long and arduous journey that included a suspended validation last
| year .. OpenSSL has regained its FIPS 140-2 validation"
| "We called it the FUD campaign," he says. "There were all kinds of
| complaints sent to the CMVP including one about 'Commie code.' .. Silly or
| no, each complaint that's filed really slows down the process."
| "the ones they did see often contained redacted, or blacked-out, data about
| who had filed the complaint .. in some cases, proprietary software vendors
| were lodging the complaints.


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