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Re: [News] [Linux] Microsoft Says It Won't Sue, Wants More Novell-like Deals

On Tue, 15 May 2007 08:15:04 +0200, Peter KÃhlmann wrote:

> Erik Funkenbusch wrote:
>> On Mon, 14 May 2007 20:50:54 -0700, Jim Richardson wrote:
>>> It's time for MS to put up or shut up. Show the patents they claim
>>> Linux infringes, and then either the coders can fix it, or the legal
>>> beagles can challange the patent in court.
>>> Absent MS providing concrete info of this nature, it is FUD, pure and
>>> simple.
>> That depends entirely on whether or not their claims are valid. 
>> Failure to support a claim doesn't mean the claim isn't valid.  

Oh, I wonder if *this* is why "Ewik the Weasel" believes his spurious 
"claims" don't need to be supported? 
You know the ones:
Why can't M$ TTFonts be used in linux.

How did the Morris worm spread by email?

What about the "thousands of root exploits per month" he claimed,
(& was then found to be making it all up)?

What was the plan he was going to reveal wrt adding nonsensical
lines to the ends of Roy's posts? You know, the plan he was going to
tell us about before he spent a week away and fell behind? Right? The
time he fell behind by a week and had to take 3 or more months to get
caught up with posts? 
Just what *was* that plan he claimed he was going to amaze us with?

>> You should know that.
> Yes, we know. SCO has shown us that.
> And they had "millions of lines of stolen code" to withhold from us

IMO if someone makes claims, they *should* be prepared to back it up with 
solid proof, & *not* strawman arguments....like Ewik the Weasel.

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