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[News] Equation Shows Why DRM Does Not Stand a Chance

The economical DRM equation

,----[ Quote ]
| Unfortunatly, most content providers doesn't care at all about
| technics, ethics or what ever.
| All they want is earning money (and it's understandable). Hopefully, 
| in order to help them to know how much profit they will make by using
| DRM, they can use the DRM equation.



The slow death of DRM

,----[ Headings ]
| * A disaster of historical proportions
| * Consumer litigation against DRM
| * Digital growth is flagging
| * Pressure to dump DRM


Big labels are f*cked, and DRM is dead - Peter Jenner

,----[ Quote ]
| Few people know the music industry better than Peter Jenner. Pink
| Floyd's first manager, who subsequently managed Syd Barrett's solo
| career, Jenner has also looked after T.Rex, The Clash, Ian Dury,
| Disposable Heroes and Billy Bragg - who he manages today. He's also
| secretary general of the International Music Managers Forum.


I predict a DRM riot

,----[ Quote ]
| DRM is, it seems, doomed to fail in the short term. There is just no
| way around the fact that for now keys will always get cracked and
| when they do that crack will always find its way into the public
| domain. Try to stop it, as Digg inadvertently discovered, and you
| will have a full scale Internet riot on your hands. 


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