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Re: [News] [Linux] Dell's Linux Gotchas

Mark Kent wrote:

> BearItAll <spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Dell Limits Ubuntu Linux Sales
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | If you're planning to load up on Dell?s new Ubuntu Linux systems
>>> | for a corporate department or small business, Dell may have a
>>> | surprise for you. As the old saying goes, read the fine print.
>>> `----
>>> http://techiqmag.com/2007/05/08/dell-limits-ubuntu-linux-sales/
>> We knew the 5 PC limit a while ago, it isn't really fine print. That is
>> reasonable because they are potentially a lot of buyers but probably a
>> scaled production in place,
> So you take back orders then.  There is nothing reasonable here, more
> probably, this is an agreement with Microsoft to prevent large-scale
> deployments from taking place on the treat of Microsoft removing Dell's
> Vista/XP sales agreements.
> What company would complain about having /too many/ orders?  None that I
> can think of - you just scale up.

Back orders in a PC market where the buyer can simply pop next door or move
to the next web page and get a simmilarly cheap PC isn't really a clever
way to go. 

The market is flooded with cheap machines and for the majority of buyers it
doesn't matter what the OS is just so long as it works. They need to be
taught that Linux is safer and that they will have no need for an
anti-virus unless it is one used to protect their other PCs by scanning
their data.

For Dell Linux to work they need to build a market, build an interest, to
help that it is best to spread the machines that are available as widely as
posible and as quickly as posible.  If I were Mr Dell I wouldn't put too
much of my production capacity into Linux just yet either. 

It is a strange situation because it is all very well the likes of us saying
everyone should go with Linux and the world would be a nicer place. But in
reality the market for Dell Linux hasn't really been created yet. MS users
are so used to the unsecure and the reinstalls and not trusting their
computers, that they generally see it as the norm for computing. Linux has
yet to prove to them that it doesn't have to be like that.

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