Microsoft invites hackers back for Blue Hat
,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is once again inviting members of the hacking community
| into its Redmond, Washington, campus to show the software giantw
| here it's gone wrong.
The company has a history of putting blackhats on its payroll. See links at
the bottom.
RUMOR: Blu-Ray Coming to Xbox 360?
,----[ Quote ]
| Internet message boards are ablaze with rumors that Microsoft will
| soon be ceding over to the Blu-Ray camp, joining Sony, with talks
| supposedly going on with Pioneer and Panasonic.
Do We Really Need a Security Industry?
,----[ Quote ]
| Aftermarket security is actually a very inefficient way to spend our
| security dollars; it may compensate for insecure IT products, but
| doesn't help improve their security. Additionally, as long as IT
| security is a separate industry, there will be companies making
| money based on insecurity -- companies who will lose money if the
| internet becomes more secure.
Schneier questions need for security industry
,----[ Quote ]
| "We shouldn't have to come and find a company to secure our e-mail.
| E-mail should already be secure. We shouldn't have to buy from
| somebody to secure our network or servers. Our networks and servers
| should already be secure."
Microsoft shipped OneCare unfinished?
,----[ Quote ]
| Since shipping in May, OneCare has failed industry tests and exposed
| users to attack because of a security flaw in the antivirus engine.
| The application also incorrectly flagged Gmail as a virus and in some
| cases quarantined or even deleted complete in-boxes when a single
| e-mail was laden with a virus.
Botnet 'pandemic' threatens to strangle the net
,----[ Quote ]
| Cerf estimated that between 100 million and 150 million of the
| 600 million PCs on the internet are under the control of hackers,
| the BBC reports.
Microsoft takes a 'Patch Tuesday' break
,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has no new security updates planned for Tuesday, despite
| at least five zero-day vulnerabilities that are waiting to be fixed.
Vista still vulnerable
,----[ Quote ]
| Vulnerabilities in Windows Vista will plague users in coming months
| and years, a prominent security researcher warns, despite its
| security improvements over predecessor XP.
Flaw found in Office 2007
,----[ Quote ]
| Researchers have discovered a "highly critical" security flaw in
| newly released Office 2007, despite Microsoft's efforts to deliver
| its most secure version yet of the productivity software.
Homeland Security sees cyberthreats on the rise
,----[ Quote ]
| To test the nation's response to a cyberattack, the Department
| of Homeland Security plans to hold another major exercise,
| called Cyberstorm II, in March 2008, Garcia said. A first
| such exercise happened early last year.
Zombie botnets attack global DNS servers
,----[ Quote ]
| Hackers launched a sustained attack last night against key root servers
| which form the backbone of the internet.
| Security firm Sophos said that botnets of zombie PCs bombarded the
| internet's domain name system (DNS) servers with traffic.
| "These zombie computers could have brought the web to its knees,"
| said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at Sophos.
Perspective: Microsoft security--no more second chances?
,----[ Excerpt ]
| CNET's Charles Cooper says the software maker is running out
| of excuses for a history of poor security.
,----[ Quote ]
| As if Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff didn't have enough on
| his plate.
| Not only has he had to deal with Katrina and Osama. Now he's also got to
| whip Steve Ballmer and the crew at Microsoft into shape. If past is
| prologue, that last task may be the most daunting of all.
EveryDNS, OpenDNS Under Botnet DDoS Attack
,----[ Quote ]
| The last time the Web mob (spammers and phishers using botnets)
| decided to go after a security service, Blue Security was forced
| to fold and collateral damage extended to several businesses,
| including Six Apart.
Linux Security: A Big Edge Over Windows
,----[ Quote ]
| Linux is better at locking down a computer than Windows. The Linux OS
| uses configuration settings and user permissions to a much more
| efficient degree than the Windows administrator account. To do
| this, non-enterprise users should seek help from third-party
| security suites that serve as configuration managers, James
| Bottomley, chief technology officer of SteelEye Technology said.
Security Report: Windows vs Linux
,----[Executive summary ]
| Finally, we also include a brief overview of relevant conceptual
| differences between Windows and Linux, to offer an insight into why
| Windows tends to be more vulnerable to attacks at both server and desktop,
| and why Linux is inherently more secure
Microsoft Windows: Insecure by Design
If Only We Knew Then What We Know Now About Windows XP
,----[ Quote ]
| You can think of Windows XP as a house with a second floor built of
| spackle, wood filler and duct tape.
Why Windows is a security nightmare.
Study: Billions of dollars spent on security
,----[ Quote ]
| Large U.S. businesses will spend $61 billion on security by the end
| of this year, representing 7.3 percent of total IT budgets in the
| country, according to a new report from Info-Tech Research Group.