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[News] [Rival] Caution and Testing Required Before MSO07 Adoption, Not Just Vista

Analyst firm recommends cautious adoption of 2007 Microsoft Office system 

,----[ Quote ]
| Companies are being urged to exercise caution in planning for Microsoft's
| new 2007 Office system according to a new report from Basex, a
| knowledge economy research firm.


HP/Vista Horror Story

,----[ Quote ]
| So here we were, lied to, and forced to use an operating system we
| just didn't want. My friend called HP and he returned the product.
| After yelling at the India representative over the phone [***], they
| finally transferred my friend over to a Canadian rep and
| installed XP.


[Office 2007 Demo]

,----[ Quote ]
| Things I already knew: Microsoft _really_ suck.
| [...]
| Time to download: 20 minutes
| Time to install: 30 minutes
| Time used: 2 minutes


Have a look at the screenshot.

[***] This is apparently where tomorrow's Microsoft is...


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