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Re: Wine Strategy - Run Older Non-MS Win Apps - Deny MS New Funds

__/ [ [H]omer ] on Wednesday 30 May 2007 15:54 \__

>>> In article <MPG.20c54f27e26d3c509897c8@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, flyer@xxxxxxxxx
>>> says...
>>>> Paid good money for non-MS Win software?
> Yes.
>>>> Well don't waste your money, just run it emulated under Linux with Wine
>>>> or QEMU etc.
> Why would I want to run Norton Utilities and NOD32 anti-virus in Linux?

Sweaty doesn't like Wine. It makes him sweat more (nervousness). So they try
to litigate now...


                ~~ Best regards

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Get the most out of your hardware. Get Linux.
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