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[News] [Linux] Linus Torvalds Says Solaris is C**p

Linux: The Case Against Crash Dumps

,----[ Quote ]
| Comparing Linux to Solaris he [Linus] added, "so the fact is, Solaris is 
| crap, and to a large degree Solaris is crap exactly _because_ it assumes 
| that it runs in a 'controlled environment'."



Linus fires latest shot in GNOME Wars

,----[ Quote ]
| (Linus:) Here's a damn big clue: the reason I find GNOME limiting
| Now the question is, will people take the patches, or will they
| keep their heads up their arses and claim that configurability
| is bad, even when it makes things more logical, and code
| more readable.


Interview with Dr Andrew S Tanenbaum

,----[ Quote ]
| Andrew S Tanenbaum: A couple of years ago this guy called Ken Brown
| wrote a book saying that Linus stole Linux from me, from Minix,
| and therefore the intellectual property rights are unclear and
| therefore companies shouldn't use Linux because I might sue them.
| It later came out that Microsoft had paid him to do this --
| and I defended Linus. I wrote on my Web site saying that this
| guy Brown came through, visited me and I gave him the
| [correct] story.


Torvalds 'pretty pleased' about new GPL 3 draft

,----[ Quote ]
| Linus Torvalds, leader of the Linux kernel project and a major 
| figure in the open-source programming movement, said Wednesday
| he's "pretty pleased" with changes in a third draft of the
| General Public License (GPL) released Wednesday.


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