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Re: [News] [Rival] Windows Zombie Spewage Costs Everyone a Lot of Money, Pain

On 2007-05-26, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
> Image spam proves bandwidth hog
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| About 50% of unwanted email is now image spam up from about 2% in
>| September last year, according to Postini, a hosted email security
>| provider. Over the same period, the volume of spam has risen 135%,
>| and is no 93.6% of all email, the firm said.
> `----
> http://www.cbronline.com/article_news.asp?guid=66B61FCA-673B-489A-A9C6-35EFDE0692FD
> Talks about pay per E-mail return to light because of zombies.

Only partially right. Politicians (*all* politicians) get their power
by spending money.(1) (The only real difference is which constituency
they're trying to please by wasting it, not whether they'll fritter tax
receipts away or not.) States are always looking for more ways to get
money to spend. They've been chomping at the bit to tax all things
internet. The feds have banned that so far, but only for a short time.
Thatban 's about to expire and the states don't want them to renew the

They're looking at email because of the quantity. That's directly
related to the level of spam, which is almost exclusively enabled by
Windows spambots. So, in that sense they want to raise taxes because of

But make no mistake about it: if anything else was more prevalent than
spam, and it was easy enough to quantify it, they'd be going after it

As it is, they also want to tax other things they haven't been allowed
to tax, like internet *access* and out of state purchases.

(1) In the early 90s the gasoline tax was reduced by the US government,
very little and temporarily, because of higher costs to consumers. The
majority of the states (maybe all, but I can't recall for certain)
turned around and *raised* fuel taxes to take advantage of the
situation. When the federal taxes went back up the states didn't go
ahead and reduce theirs back to previous levels. They're still
receiving the increases.

Windows: Because you have too much free time.

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