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[News] [Linux] Is Linux Ahead of All Other Operating Systems?

Color Theory - Linux and Personal Preferences

,----[ Quote ]
| What is confusion is also power. Linux runs in more languages,
| on more platforms, in more ways, than any other OS on the planet.
| It is developed world wide by a huge group of very passionate
| people. It can be made to match the ideals and goals of whomever
| for whatever. If you need simple, easy: it's there! See Xandros or
| Linspire: there are no operating systems easier to install than
| those. None.  Not OS.X even. Note that these both chose KDE for
| the user interface too.


Nice related writeup here:

There is no Bazaar

,----[ Quote ]
| Hell, it never existed in the first place! It's a nice fantasy, a
| pleasant delusion that makes the rest of the Kool-Aid go down, but
| it's total bullshit. There has never been a single successful
| software project built on the model of the Bazaar, not a single one.


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