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Re: [News] [Linux] Screenshots Gallery of the New PCLinuxOS, Another New Release in Taiwan

Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:

> The exceptions are Sabayon and K-something (among others), but it's violation
> of the GPL, which invited a letter from the FSF in the past.

Kororaa. They've been "clean" since v0.3.


| Amarok Now Playing: "/mnt/sky/The Sad But True Story Of Ray Mingus,
| The Lumberjack Of Bulk Rock City, And His Never Slacking Stribe In
| Exploiting The So Far Undiscovered Areas Of The Intention To Bodily
| Intercourse From The Opposite Species Of His Kind, During Intake Of
| All The Mental Condition That Could Be Derived From Fermentation.ogg"

Fedora Core release 5 (Bordeaux) on sky, running kernel 2.6.20-1.2312.fc5
 06:26:21 up 36 days,  3:58,  2 users,  load average: 0.14, 0.20, 0.18

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