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Re: PISTIFICATION Speaks. People on digg.com react. Judge for yourself.

Anti-Linux Asstroturfer oh.bama.da.rack@xxxxxxxxx wrote on behalf of big

> h

http://www.digg.com/software/PISTA Installees Pay!!!

It looks like installing windopws PISTA on your computer
can drive you to take more spliff and imagine
a mixed bag of nutty things that are just not there any more.

Spliffing the micoshaft way is the only way to keep
writing more of this rubbish nd keep believing in it.

To break this cycle, Micoshaft Corporation's Steve Blammer
has authorized everyone to install Ubuntu Linux.

All praise his excellent wisdom and his promises
to spliff less. Not that his colleagues and fellow
asstroturfers believe him any more.

He now plans to only sell SuSE Linux.
So you won't be able to buy windopws anyway soon!

So please help yourself to some free Linux here folks


Hundreds of livecds to choose from - runs from CD without
having to install. Comes with source code as well so you 
can modify to heart's content with built in free C/C++ compilers
and not have to pay anything.

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