It looks like comp.os.linux.advocacy has lost it's village idiot, Roy
Please restrain him better next time because he is being diced and
sliced over here at and quite frankly most of us are sick and
tired of reading his religious, zealot, propaganda which is why his
digg rating is so low.
Some of the more interesting comments.
"schestowitz is to Linux as Pat Robertson is to christanity.
He drives away more people than he converts."
"You are completely bat-shit insane and that was one of the most
interesting tin-foil hat posts I have ever read.
Thank you for putting a smile on my face."
"Please, stop making up stuff, if somebody posts lame comment using
your name on usenet it doesn't mean that it's "paid by M$" to attack
you, maybe it's people pissed by your endless attacks to microsoft
(you know... not everybody hates microsoft like you do, like there are
people that love apple there are also people that love microsoft)."
"Someone forgot their OCD meds today."
"It wouldn't be unthinkable that you post crap under your own name, so
that you can then say you're being targeted by MS 'posting under' your
name. It's not a new tactic used by people who want to discredit
someone else."
" That comment was ridiculously long, if you've got *that* much to say
then post it as it's own article. Or does the chip that the Microsoft
agents planted in your brain prevent you from doing that?"
"I don't think Microsoft gives a $hit what you say about their OS.
They really have no reason to do that. Think about it:
Bill Gates, the Chairman of Microsoft, is worth over $50 billion.
Alone. What does he (or his company) care if some little guys on the
internet bash his operating system. At the very worst, every digg
user, for instance, could switch to linux, Mac, BSD, whatever.
And that's what, maybe 30,000 users? 50,000? A fraction of a percent
for Microsoft.
And no, I'm not an "M$ shill" out to get you. I'm a college student."
and many more like that.
Please take this usenet kook back to comp.os.linux.advocacy.