"Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> ____/ Tim Smith on Friday 02 November 2007 09:41 : \____
> Messing with subject line again, to get past filters?
>> In article <8747581.ttgQFb7vAf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/memory/display/20071031214902.html
>>> That's the sort of patent mess that a not reform is intended to
>>> resolve, but
>>> a more civil industry can solve.
>> Could you say that again, but in English this time?
> s/a not/not a/
>>> What utter stupidity. They are holding technology back, which hurts the
>>> consumer.
>> You can't know that unless you've looked at the patent. Can you
>> summarize the claims for those of us who have not yet looked at the
>> patent?
> The company disseminated what's perceived as a (/de facto/) standard and
> then
> strikes to collect cash. Another recent IEEE sepc/standard for Wi-Fi had
> nobody support it simply because of patents. It was an El Reg exclusive
> scoop.
> I've noticed comments from you in Digg (people reply to you, which gets
> you
> past the blocklist). Are you still systematically going through all my
> comments and modding them down? Who is that 'kretik' fellow that's also
> on my
> blocklist? Some people reply to him too and I know for a fact that he
> mods
> down _all_ my comments. Given what he has said, he's from COLA also, but
> which
> one? There's no 'kretik' in COLA?
> Eh, 'harlowmonkey'? Nymshift much? You do for a fact. I bet your real
> name
> is /not/ Tim Smith (not even Tim Hadron FunkenGary). You're probably some
> PR
> puppet for someone, or work for a Microsoft partner, if not participate
> or
> lead a startup which is a Microsoft suckpuppet that relies on obedience
> in the
> shilcosystem of Gorillaman Ballmer and Bribemachine Pearlygates.
> As Slated.org puts it, "you can run, but you can't hide." You're here to
> troll
> for your own selfish motives. You're a troll and you don't belong here.
> And stop stalking me in Digg. You'll end up insane like Gary, who has
> apparently got some obssession with changing sexes.
Or even worse. He might end up as crazy and insane like *YOU*
Last I checked it was Roy Schestowitz who thinks that Microsoft is behind
every conspiracy in the world. When they are not busy killing puppy dogs
Steve and Bill are out poisoning baby food.
Last I checked it was Roy Schestowitz that has delusions where everyone in
Digg is conspiring against him in order to ruin his reputation which is
already worth less than dog-shit thanks to your own dishonesty.
Last I checked it was Roy Schestowitz that claimed a poster in Digg was a
MS Shill but the proof showed that only 3-5% of the guys posts had
absolutely anything at all to do with Microsoft.
Last I checked it was Roy Schestowitz that thinks that people are paid to
post here and thinks that some guy named "Gary Stewart" is behind every
post he doesn't agree with even though you have yet to show a single shred
of evidence that suggests this is the case.
Yeah... Tim sure is the crazy one and not YOU.
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