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Re: Trojan horse spreads quickly through Microsoft's IM

____/ nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on Tuesday 20 November 2007 22:23 : \____

> <Quote>
> 11,000 PCs already infected...A new Trojan horse that started to
> spread early Sunday via Microsoft's instant messaging client has
> already infected about 11,000 PCs, a security company said Monday....
> "We still haven't found what it's meant to do, but at the moment, it's
> creating an army [of bots]," he said. "Eventually, of course, the
> operator will send commands to do something."...
> "This is really growing rapidly," said Lichtman. Six hours after it
> first found the Trojan horse, Aladdin put the total number of
> assembled bots at about 500; three hours later, that had climbed to
> several thousand. By 12:30 p.m. EST Monday, the botnet had been built
> out to 11,000 machines.
> </Quote>
> http://www.computerworld.com.au/index.php/id;959081077;fp;4194304;fpid;1

The criminals need more powerful botnets. They'll love Vista. It requires some
decent hardware. ;-)

                ~~ Best of wishes

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