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Re: [News] Wal-Mart is Restocking to Address GNU/Linux Demand, Everex/gOS Review from Google's Cutts

Linonut wrote:
> * SW fired off this tart reply:
>> Linonut wrote:
>>>> Actually, Windows drivers are really weird.  If you *just* install
>>>> the OS there's no driver for the NIC and so no way of running
>>>> Windows Update. Bizarre.
>> I wonder what the "Drivers and Applications" CD contains? In the
>> case one was not provided, the manufacturer has an image on a
>> separate partition, complete with all drivers.
> True.  But the CD is losable, and the partition is corruptible or
> disposoable.  Then you have to have a second computer available to get
> the NIC driver.

People lose stuff. People don't backup their data. File systems get hosed. 

>>> Indeed.  And also you get only basic video out of the box.
>> A lower resolution and refresh rate beats the hell out of XFree86 or
>> Xorg starting detection at some very high rates, which is all too
>> common.
> Huh?  Every post-install setting I've seen has been very conservative:
> 800x600 VESA.

Of course. That explains Xubuntu choosing 1600x1200 at 75Hz on my SyncMaster 
last week and countless distros before it choosing something other than 
1280x1024 60-75Hz. I have yet to see a single distro default to 800x600 

>>> And why do you think they call them service 'packs'?  Ouch.
>> Microsoft sure has nerve to charge for support.
> You're mistaking me for another poster.  I meantioned nothing about
> support costs.

If you didn't mention anything about support costs what did you mean by,
"Well, Microsoft OEM agreements do note that the vendor is responsible
for customer service." ?

> You mean "the argument I tried to pin on you", don't you?
> Are you a Microsoft employee?  You sound like one.

So clever. So original. Paying homage to Mark Kent is so you.


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