Microsoft struggling to convince about Vista
,----[ Quote ]
| Ninety percent of 961 IT professionals surveyed said they have concerns about
| migrating to Vista and more than half said they have no plans to deploy
| Vista.
| [...]
| Macintosh leads the pack of Vista alternatives, with support from 28% of
| respondents. About a quarter said they would opt for Red Hat Linux, with SUSE
| Linux and Ubuntu each garnering 18% of the vote. Another 9% cited other Linux
| operating systems and 4% were unsure.
The Vista Death Watch
,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has extended the life of Windows XP because Vista has simply not
| shown any life in the market. We have to begin to ask ourselves if we are
| really looking at Windows Me/2007, destined to be a disdained flop. By all
| estimates the number of Vista installations hovers around the number of Macs
| in use.
| How did this happen? And what’s going to happen next? Does Microsoft have a
| Plan B? A number of possibilities come to mind, and these things must be
| considered by the company itself.
Poll: In a fight between Vista, OS X, Linux, XP...
,----[ Quote ]
| Among readers at least, the most recent iteration of Windows -
| aka Vista - garnered just 14 per cent of the vote, making it less popular
| than both Mac OS X and Linux.
| [...]
| Another reader - going by the name Richard A - said he was "shocked" at how
| slow the OS ran on a new Intel core duo Sony Vaio laptop. "Why anybody would
| willingly trade a stable and established XP environment for the wading though
| treacle experience of driverless Vista is quite utterly beyond me," he said,
| adding: "Granted, it has borrowed a few nice flourishes from the Apple Mac
| user interface but it really has little else to recommend it above XP. Apart
| from security, of course."
| Neil Thatcher, an IT manager from the South East, summed up many readers'
| views with his Reader Comment: "The changes to Vista over XP are simply gloss
| and change for change's sake which translate as nothing more than
| annoyances."
| Microsoft was unavailable for comment at the time of publication.
An Open Letter to Microsoft: Re-Release Windows XP
,----[ Quote ]
| It's time to sober up on Windows Vista. This just isn't working out,
| and your users are getting frustrated to the point where they're souring
| on Windows altogether. In case you haven't seen some of the more
| noteworthy blog posts on this topic, I refer you to Chris Pirillo,
| Scot's Newsletter, or Spend Matters. Or check out the recent bug
| reports regarding product activation and security flaws. This is all
| stuff I managed to dredge up that was written yesterday.
| People are unhappy with Vista. Really unhappy. And though I know Microsoft
| has its own form of Steve Jobs' reality distortion field, it certainly
| can't keep you from seeing at least some of the sobering sales figures and
| the crush of disappointing reviews of Vista. I don't want to dredge up all
| the reasons people are unhappy with Vista in this letter. I want to talk
| about what you ought to do stop a mass migration to Linux and the Mac.
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Ex-MS security guru to dump Media Center for Linux?
,----[ Quote ]
| Veteran Microsoft security expert, Jesper Johansson, says he may dump
| Microsoft's Windows Media Center in favour of Ubuntu-affiliated LinuxMCE
| after struggling with Redmond's DRM (Digital Rights Management) software.
Former Windows Developer Trashes Windows Vista, Gets Slapped, Falls Back in
,----[ Quote ]
| Alec Saunders, a former Senior Product Manager at Microsoft Canada, had a
| bone to pick with Windows Vista.
Acer: PC industry 'disappointed' with Vista
,----[ Quote
| Acer president Gianfranco Lanci became the first major PC manufacturer to
| openly attack Microsoft over the Windows Vista operating system in the
| Financial Times Deutschland on Monday.
| Lanci said the operating system was riddled with problems and gave users and
| businesses no reason to buy a new PC, according to the report. Taiwan-based
| Acer is the world's fourth-largest PC manufacturer, after HP, Dell and
| Lenovo.
| "The whole industry is disappointed with Windows Vista," Lanci said.