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Re: [News] Columnist Worried About OLPC FUD (Intel and Microsoft FUDMeister Took the Lead)

____/ Mark Kent on Monday 19 November 2007 16:20 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> What's With the OLPC Hate?
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| But either way attacking the OLPC doesn't make much sense to me. We all
>>| should want to see it succeed, both for the good it will bring to children
>>| around the world and for the technological advancements it will bring to
>>| all of us.
>>| Come to think of it, my goal to be a billionaire seems pretty selfish when
>>| compared to the goals of the OLPC. I think I'll instead set a goal to make
>>| the world better for as many people as I can.
>>| No one can criticize that, can they?
>> `----
>> Tell this to Microsoft and Intel. These two corrupted companies attacked the
>> OLPC very viciously. They want money, not humanity.
> It's a shame that they did this, I think.  It will go down in the
> history books as one of the most unpleasant episodes in the US's
> corporate computing history.

Corporation write history the way they like it (Gates controls not only media,
but computing museums/libraries too), so history won't be told the way it
really happened.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | "The speed of time is one second per second"
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