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Digg has Roy Schestowitz all figured out...........

Why ios comp.os.linux.advocacy so ignorant?
The Roi Boi is being paid to post.
Don't you boobs get it?
I suppose not, which is too bad for you.

Some of what digg users think of Roy Schestowitz:


Roy is currently at -100 for his stupid comments.

Some of the followups to Roy:

"Now I remember why I blocked schestowitz, because of idiot
That one is at +39.

"He should get his internet access taken away by an international
court until he revises his web page to look less like some 14-year-old
nerd's Web Page 101 assignment, circa 1998--its abominable hideosity
nullifies any and all points he has to make on anything"

That one is at +15.

"You should see him in comp.os.linux.advocacy!! Spamming the entire
group with 1000s of posts each month.
He's turned that group into a virtual wasteland of messages with
little or no replies. He's also been asked, many times, to group his
messages into a digest, maybe even with html hot links, but he refuses
because his goal is to pollute the search engines with his name.
I have him filtered in comp.os.linux.advocacy, like most people in the
group do."

That one is at +23.

"According to his Google profile, he has *forty thousand* (!) posts to
COLA alone. Add to that 11,000+ to Digg, and who knows where else. For
all we know "he" has a Slashdot account with another five thousand.
"He" runs what, like five or six high-volume "boycottX.com" attack
Does anyone still believe that this "guy" is just a kid getting a
masters' degree or whatever he claims he does for a living? Please.
Schez smells like paid astroturfers, shills and trolls."

That one is at +20.

"I have noticed that the quality of "his" comments, and also "his"
general attitude tends to shift erratically. 3-4 months ago, he earned
a blocking by me. About 2 months ago, I unblocked him, and then later
thought highly enough of his posts to add him as a friend, but the
content he submitted was on a short-term high that quickly degenerated
back into novell hate-spam and random linux-related crap. Lately, his
comments have also degenerated back to block-worthiness loaded with "I
can talk about linux stuff too, and I give this article a B+" junk. I
didn't know he was so active in other communities too, but he sure as
hell doesn't have time for this if he's actually a student, at least
unless we're the test subject."

+6 on that one.

And it just goes downhill from there.

So why is COLA so dammed stupid?
The guy is being PAID.
Roy Schestowitz is using robot software to post to digg.com and COLA.
It's easy to determine that.
Look at the time stamps.

Digg has him figured out, why is COLA (all 5 of you) so stupid?

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