Toad wrote:
> ali.babba.singh@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > Things I have read in this group.
> >
> > Linux taking over the desktop from Microsoft?
More an more people switch all the time. Trends often start slowly,
and then grow. Just like Linux.
> > Intellectual property does not exist.
Software and Literature exist, but the idea that they are "property"
like physical objects is just as abstract concept backup up by
lobbyist influenced laws.
> > Roy Schestowitz has Microsoft running scared from Linux and the Linux
> > community.
No, Google does.
> > Microsoft is losing business.
Microsoft has lost quite a few people's business.
> > Microsoft are criminals.
Some people employed at Microsoft are certainly criminals.
> > Novell, Linspire and Xandros are Microsoft shills.
No, they are just happy to take MS money to spout MS propaganda.
> > If Microsoft disappeared tomorrow, the world would continue to
> > function without problems.
In the long run, there would be fewer problems.
> > Linux is mature enough to handle publishing, video and audio editing
> > at the same level as other environments.
Yes, this is true. Pixar uses Linux to do incredible things that MS
products have failed to acheive.
> > Copyrights and patents are evil.
Both copyrights and patents have been abused by evil and greedy
people. From a free market standpoint, they are indeed evil, or at the
very least, inefficient. They do more damage to economic growth than
they are worth.
> > Proprietary information should be free and open for all to see.
This is a matter of opionion, particularly with the working of
"should" instead of "must". I agree it should, but would oppose any
laws saying it must.
> > There is some huge conspiracy against Linux and Linux users.
No, there is just a rather large and well financed marketting effort
by a single company that occasionally draws in paid mercenaries to
fight against Linux. The SCO/MS/Baystar agreement may well have been
conspiratorial, but that is for the courts to decide.
> > Windows users are ignorant, as a rule.
People are ignorant, as a rule. No only regarding computers and
operating systems, but also religion, politics, science, and
economics, among other things.
> > Linux users are smart, as a rule.
Linux users tend to be people who don't blindly follow the pack, which
would put them at least slightly above the average.
> > Linux gaming is great (that's my favorite).
Windows and Linux gaming both suck.
> > Wine/Cedaga actually work better than Windows, or the same
> > applications run under Windows.
In some cases, this is very true. I have a few older programs that run
miserably under XP, that work very well under Wine. IT certainly isn't
always the case, however. On the other hand, I have no native Linux
programs that run under Windows at all. Windows is piss poor on the
compatability side.
> > OpenOffice is a good or better than MSOffice.
I believe I could make a cost/benefit argument for this in most
> > Companies and Winshills are being paid to "diss" Linux.
Yep. That is true. MS and other companies fund "studies" from so
called independent third parties that always show the paying company
in better light than studies paid for from independent sources. There
are many companies whose entire source of income is based upon such
transactions, and it is certainly not limited to the IT world.
> >
> > The real question is why are people willing to pay for Windows and
> > commercial Windows software when LINUX IS FREE ???
Many people do not even know they have any options. Among those that
do, Linux is doing incredibly well.
> >
> > Answer that question and you will know why Linux has somewhere around
> > 1 percent of the desktop market share.
Per dollar spent on marketting, desktop Linux has a larger % market
share than MS Windows. That is the fact. Why does MS need to spend
hundreds of millions of dollars on advertising ?
> I mean every
> Linux still has 6 or so copies of getty running,
I'm afraid I'll have to count you in the ignorant category for that.
You can configure getty to run or not, and some systems do not have
getty running at all.
>still has the stupid
> ass init.d/rc.d crap,
the init system in Linux is far more versatile and useful than the
boot setup on any MS product.
> still has sh or bash which compared to WSH is
> crap,
Only an ignoramus would compare a scripting host to a shell. The
apples to apples comparison would be to bash. Or even
VBScript to bash, but comparing WSH to bash is like comparing envy to
grape juice. On the other hand, with Linux, you will have perl
installed by default on most distros, whereas for WSH, you will still
need to download an update to use Perl, which is far more useful than
> still has X. Talk about lack of innovation... At least Apple
> innovated and evolved beyond Unix.
X is still more versatile than what Windows has by default. X was
ahead of its time, and Windows has yet to catch up in terms of network-
transparent display system.
> Toad
Sounds about right.
Dean G.