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[News] Larry Ellison's Unbreakable Linux a 'Control Freak' Case

  • Subject: [News] Larry Ellison's Unbreakable Linux a 'Control Freak' Case
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 19:54:56 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Putting Unbreakable Linux into perspective

,----[ Quote ]
| The only problem for Oracle is that a win for Linux introduces a new third 
| party that stands between its software and its customers. The clear solution 
| to that is for Oracle to acquire a Linux distribution. Maybe one day it will, 
| although I think the company is very aware that an Oracle-owned code base 
| would diminish the value that customers see in Linux. An Oracle-supported 
| code base is slightly different conceptually, while the result - Oracle 
| owning the customer relationship - is the same .      
| You could question why Oracle is paying so much attention to Linux given that 
| its revenue from Unbreakable is tiny in comparison to the other areas of its 
| business but that, in my view, misses the point. It isn’t really important 
| for Oracle to make money from Unbreakable Linux (or Oracle VM), what is 
| important is that it strengthens Oracle’s relationship with its customers and 
| keeps competitors out.     



Why does Larry Ellison have a Red Hat fetish?

,----[ Quote ]
| Larry doesn't understand open source. This isn't surprising since the people 
| who report to him apparently don't, either (though I don't include Mike Olson 
| in that crowd - he's a victim of golden handcuffs :-). Oracle desperately 
| wants open source to be "just another tool" that it uses for IT domination. 
| It's not. It actually has the opposite effect.    
| Oracle just can't grok this.
| It wants to own the Linux kernel. It can't. It wanted to own JBoss. It 
| couldn't. Open source is about controlling through sharing, but Oracle 
| doesn't do the "share" thing very well.  
| And so we'll have to sporadically endure Mr. Ellison's ego pronouncing 
| himself god of the Linux world, despite his Linux business being so anemic  
| that he won't break out its numbers. If the numbers are so great, report 
| them, Mr. Ellison. (Having said this, it's important to note that Oracle 
| stopped breaking out revenue by product line many years ago.)   


OpenWorld: Oracle restricting app support to its own virtualization platform

,----[ Quote ]
| Buried under the surface of Oracle Corp.'s Monday announcement that it plans 
| to get into the virtualization market is the fact that the company won't 
| support its database and many other applications if they are running on 
| virtualization software from VMware Inc., Microsoft Corp. or even Red Hat 
| Inc.    
| That effectively limits enterprise users who want to run their Oracle 
| applications more efficiently through virtualization to just one platform: 
| Oracle's new VM.   


Larry Ellison thrashes Red Hat

,----[ Quote ]
| "At Oracle we've been in the Linux business for a year now," he said.
| "With the Red Hat code all we did for the first year was fix bugs. Now Oracle 
| growing a lot faster than Red Hat. Red Hat's been growing too because it’s a 
| growing market."  


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