amicus_curious wrote:
> "7" <website_has_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> news:%KLZi.46035$c_1.15150@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Micoshafts HR terrorists are not that smart after all.
>> They are reduced to terrorising their own staff.
> Why do you think that Google is so eager to get their hands on these
> Microsofties? Have they contacted you, too? Why not? Does Google value
> the Microsofties more than you?
They carry the horror stories, the dirt, the inside business of one of the
WORLDS worst run monopolies. If I had the money that Google has, I'd hire
them too, just to hear them talk. They were the literal "flies on the wall"
inside ms... No wonder Blamer likes to throw chairs around!
Jerry McBride (jmcbride@xxxxxxxxxx)